2022 World Top Ten Airports Ranking
Key features of Top Ten Airports are following: The airport has a good operating environment, a large business scale, advanced facility, technology, and management system, a high safety level, good risk control ability, a high degree of internationalization, strong network communication capability, and can provide convenient and comfortable comprehensive service to passengers.
GN Top Ten Airports Evaluation Indicator System includes 6 first-level indicators that are Airport Operating Environment Index, Airport Business Index, Airport Management, Airport Service Index, Airport Safety Index, and Airport Risk Management Index, 16 second-level indicators, and 79 third-level indicators.
| 2022世界十佳机场 | 总分 |
1 | 新加坡樟宜国际机场Singapore Changi Airport | 92.64 |
2 | 香港国际机场Hong Kong International Airport | 91.23 |
3 | 北京首都国际机场Beijing Capital International Airport | 90.98 |
4 | 德国慕尼黑国际机场Munich Airport | 90.12 |
5 | 日本东京羽田国际机场 Tokyo International Airport | 89.87 |
6 | 瑞士苏黎世国际机场Zurich Airport | 88.28 |
7 | 卡塔尔哈马德国际机场Hamad International Airport | 87.92 |
8 | 芬兰赫尔辛基-万塔机场 Helsinki-Vantaa Airport | 87.45 |
9 | 伦敦希思罗国际机场 London Heathrow International Airport | 86.43 |
10 | 荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际机场Amsterdam Schiphol Airport | 86.68 |